Vienan Reitti ylittää pienen joen ja jatkuu suon yli hiekkaharjulle, jossa mäntymetsää.
Kuvaajana Hannu Huttu.

Trail of Viena (Vuokki)

For thousands of years, the route from Vuokki to Viena has been used by baggage traders, poetry collectors, hunters and soldiers as a route between Finland and Viena Karelia. It is part of the ancient trade route from the Bothnian Sea to the White Sea.

The route played a decisive role in the publication of Kalevala in 1835, as it was along this route that Elias Lönnrot carried the poetic elements of the National Epic from Viena Karelia to Finland in his backpag.

The Viena route is a cultural and historical trail protected by the Antiquities Act, and is marked by route markers carved into the trees with an axe.


Trail information

Hepola-Pehkolantie 1, 89840 Yli-Vuokki
Length27 km