Kuvaaja Oskari Reinman.

Rapids of Yli-Vuokki

General description and local fish stock

The Yli-Vuokki recreational fishing and hiking area is located in the southeast of Suomussalmi, on the eastern border of Finland. Yli-Vuokki originates from White Karelia, forming an area dominated by streams, lakes and rapids. The rapids between the long-shaped lakes provide opportunities for catching sail-finned graylings and yellow-bellied trouts. In addition to the natural stocks, catch security is improved by annually planting catch-sized trout in the Saapaskoski, Saarikoski and Palokoski rapids.

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Kalastaja Yli-Vuokin Paasonkoskella elokuussa.

The Yli-Vuokki permit area (5505) comprises a dozen rapids and smaller streams. The most popular rapids are Louhenkoski, Palokoski, Paasonkoski and Saapaskoski (listed from upstream to downstream). The whole distance of Louhenkoski is about half a kilometre, but the other destinations are shorter in length. The rapids are easily accessible: a car can be parked on the shore or within a few hundred metres of the fishing location.

Several campfire sites are available for fishers on the shores of the rapids. There is a lean-to shelter on the shore of Louhenkoski and Lake Alanteenjärvi. There are also several rental huts in the area. The more detailed information on the location is available at retkikartta.fi. The distance from Suomussalmi to Yli-Vuokki is approximately 50 kilometres.

Fishing permit and regulations for the rapids of Yli-Vuokki

The Yli-Vuokki angling permit area 5505 covers a large part of the rapids of Yli-Vuokki. The permit area can be viewed in the retkikartta.fi service by clicking on the fishing areas layer.


Most important minimum catch sizes and protection periods:

  • Minimum catch size of a grayling: 35 cm. Protection period: 1 April to 31 May.
  • Minimum catch size of a trout with an adipose fin: 60 cm. Minimum catch size of a trout with the adipose fin cut: 50 cm. The protection period for trout in the rapids and current areas: 1 September to 30 November.


Additional information and permit purchases (angling permit 5505):

The same permit also covers, among other things, Lake Kevättijärvi recreational fishing destination. On the lakes between the rapids, you can fish with only the fishery management fee, if you use a single rod.



Updated 4/2023.
The images are taken on August (quite low water level).

Descriptions of fisging spots are carried out in co-operation Oskari Reinman / Vapaalla jalalla as part of the Elinvoimaa matkailusta – Kuhmo Suomussalmi -project.