Umpi-Valkeainen and Iso-Valkeainen
General description and local fish stock
There are numerous lakes and ponds with fish in the Hossa National Park and its surroundings. The perch and whitefish populations are naturally strong here. Favourable nutritional conditions enable fish to grow up to the large fish category. The crystal-clear Iso-Valkeainen and Umpi-Valkeainen ponds are some of Hossa’s most fascinating sites. They are stocked with trout and grayling, so the range of possible catch is wide.
When the willingness to take bait and the right bait meet, you can catch a bright-sided trout, a plump whitefish or even a perch weighed in kilos. Patience is required, as fish can be picky. It is also common to be left without a catch, and in such cases you should not start selling your rods. Fishing in the Valkeainen ponds is an experience in itself, because the waters there are astonishingly clear. In sunny weather, a fish scrambling on the bottom or on the end of a fishing line can be seen even in the depths of several metres in these turquoise waters. The downside to this exotic setting is that the fish will avoid boats or the carelessly scrambling shoreline fisher from afar.

The larger Iso-Valkeainen may be an unnecessarily big challenge from a shore angler’s point of view. At Umpi-Valkeainen, on the other hand, fish can be caught easily on foot, even with fly-fishing gear. Wading gear bring an extra dimension to fishing on these lower shores. If you wish, you can rent a rowing boat, which are available on the beaches of both Iso- and Umpi-Valkeainen. The rental service is provided by the Hossa Visitor Centre, where a fishing permit can also be purchased. You are not allowed to use your own boat or canoe on Umpi-Valkeainen, unlike on Iso-Valkeainen. The use of an stern motor is prohibited, excluding an electric stern motor, which is permitted on Iso-Valkeainen. Fishing from a floating ring is permitted on both ponds.
The Valkeainen ponds are located a 10-minute-drive from the Hossa Visitor Centre, and extend to both sides of the road. The parking lot is on the side of the road and it is only a couple of hundred meters to walk to the shoreline on a wide path. There are campfire sites on the shores of both ponds, with several located at Umpi-Valkeainen. When moving around the national park area, it should be remembered that making fires is only allowed in marked places. The ponds can be reached via hiking routes as well. For example, the Muikkupuro lean-to shelter located at the southern tip of Iso-Valkeainen is a great place to cook or stay. For those who need a place to stay overnight should note that Iso-Valkeainen also has cabins for rent.
Fishing permit and regulations for Iso-Valkeainen and Umpi-Valkeainen
In addition to the fisheries management fee, Hossa angling permit (5502) is required for fishing. The angling permit entitles the holder to lure fishing with a trolling tackle, as well as with a fly and jig. The permit allows also angling and ice fishing. The fishing season lasts the entire year.
Most important minimum catch sizes and limitations:
- Minimum catch size of a trout with an adipose fin: 60 cm. Minimum catch size of a trout with the adipose fin cut: 50 cm.
- Minimum catch size of a grayling: 35 cm. Protection period: 1 April to 31 May.
- The permit entitles the holder to use one rod. Two rods may be used when trolling and fly-fishing by rowing.
- Bait pastes and similar artificial baits are prohibited.
- Do not use your own boat, canoe or electric motor in Umpi-Valkeainen.
Additional information and permit purchases (angling permit 5502):
With the same permit, you can also fish in the flowing waters of Hossa National Park and in Huosilampi, Keihäslampi and Hossanjoki, which remain outside the national park.
Tiedot päivitetty 4/2023.
Kalapaikkojen kohdekuvaukset on toteutettu yhteistyössä Oskari Reinmanin / Vapaalla jalalla kanssa osana Elinvoimaa matkailusta – Kuhmo Suomussalmi -hanketta.