
This page contains useful safety tips for your trip to guarantee that your holiday in Suomussalmi is as pleasant as possible.

Hossan luontokeskuksen opastekyltit ja kaksi kävelijää.

Hike safely

When setting off on a hike, check in advance the condition and the level of difficulty of the route, as well as the services available along it. Inform someone outside your group of your route plan. Be prepared for the hike in weather-appropriate clothing, preferably in layers. You should always have water, rain gear, a small first aid kit and some kind of light with you.

Prepare for winter conditions

When hiking in winter, you should be prepared with snowshoes or other equipment that makes it easier to walk in the snow, as well as clothing appropriate for the weather.

Watch out for thin ice! The strength of the ice can vary a lot, even over a short distance, depending, for example, on currents and the quality of the bottom of the lake. For this reason, you need to ensure that the ice is strong enough to cover the whole area where you are going to move. When moving on the ice, it is a good idea to carry ice claws with you.

When to call 112? If you have an emergency or you need urgent assistance from the authorities If you know or suspect that somebody’s life, health, property or the environment is under threat or in danger
Vaaleahiuksinen nainen nuotiolla keittämässä nokipannukahveja, taustalla kaatunut puu ja metsästysase sekä saaliiksi saatu lintu.

Keep an eye on the weather

Try to find out the weather conditions beforehand and allow enough time for the journey, including breaks. Remember that distances between services are longer in the north. Refuel in good time and ensure that you have some fuel in the tank at all times.

Check the weather forecast in advance for any warnings of slippery conditions, strong winds and forest fire warnings. If a severe storm is forecast, be prepared for water and power cuts.

Winter tyres are needed at Suomussalmi altitude from October to May on average.

During a grass fire or forest fire warning, fires are also prohibited in most maintained and marked fire areas. During a grass or forest fire alert, fires are only allowed in chimneyed, covered fireplaces and in fireplaces in deserted houses and cottages with special care. It is always the responsibility of the one lighting the fire to ensure the safety of the it. Please note that fires may also be prohibited on a site-by-site basis.

Pay attention to the reindeer

The reindeer husbandry area starts around Yli-Kiiminki when coming from Oulu, and Hyrynsalmi when coming from southern Finland. It can be difficult to distinguish reindeer from the terrain, so adjust your driving speed to the conditions. If you crash into a reindeer, call 112 (preferably using the 112 app) and take action to prevent further accidents if possible.

Do not stop your car in the middle of the road to photograph reindeer! This can be dangerous to you and other drivers.

Kaksi kajakkimelojaa selin kameraan

In case of emergency

The health centre is located in the centre of Suomussalmi. Outside opening hours, the on-call service is provided by the Kainuu Central Hospital’s joint on-call service.

If you have insurance that covers treatments and examinations, make use of private healthcare services where possible. In Suomussalmi, private healthcare services are provided by Pihlajalinna.

Suomussalmi Pharmacy is located in the centre of Suomussalmi. In Piispajärvi there is a service point of Suomussalmi Pharmacy, where you can buy the most common self-care medicines and dressings.

In Finland, the mobile application 112 is used for emergencies and can be downloaded by tourists from abroad. When you call the Emergency Response Centre via the 112 app, the emergency response duty official will automatically receive information about your location, which will help the rescue services to find you.