Joukko pyöräilee järvenjäällä auringoisessa talvimaisemassa.

Lounaja winter trail

Lounaja winter trail is the right choice when you want to travel along the lake ice. The route partially follows the same route as the Old “Bread Trail”, Lounaja trail and Jatkon Jotos. You can cover the distance with a fatbike, skis and snowshoes.

The Lounaja winter trail is a route maintained by the entrepreneur of Kainuu Nature Tours, which is accessible from the end of December to the end of April, and is marked with signs at the intersections. Please note that in April the surface of the route starts to soften, and the best way to get around is skiing or snowshoeing.

Trail information

Joukojärventie 14, 89920 Suomussalmi
Length16 km