
The tourism of Suomussalmi and the creation of experiences is based on the combination of the wonderful nature, history and the rich culture. Locality, local products and services play an important role. The operators in the area are mainly small family companies, to whom sustainability is one of the main values of operations. 

Suomussalmi is working with Visit Finland on the Sustainable Travel Finland -program they have developed and wants to be involved in developing the vision, according to which Finland will be one of the most sustainable travel destinations by 2025. For the shared STF-development path out of the companies in the area the Silent People Niittykahvila Café, Kainuu Nature Tours, Hossa Visitor Centre, Camping Hossan Lumo and Loma-Hossa have started their path. Out of these companies Silent People Niittykahvila Café and Kainuu Nature Tours have already received their STF-certificate. 

The tourism of Suomussalmi is being developed to be more sustainable together with the tourism operators in the area. The active approach of Suomussalmi has been displayed in for example, the avoidance of clearcutting the forests and being a pioneer in wind power parks.

Suomussalmi has been a co-implementer in many projects, that have a goal of developing sustainable and responsible operations in the area. Examples of this are Kahina-project that developed carbon neutrality, Elinvoimaa matkailusta (eng. “Vitality from tourism”) – project, Gateway to Land of National Parks- project, and the Sustainable Travel Arctic Lakeland Kainuu -project. The sustainable tourism plan was developed as a part of the Matkailuyritykset kestävälle kehityspolulle (eng. “Tourism Companies to the sustainable development path”) – project from Naturpolis, the local business development company that is owned by Kuusamo and Taivalkoski municipality. 


In Suomussalmi, accessibility has been paid attention to especially in the Hossa national park. Accessible routes are Lihapyörre Trail, Huosilampi Trail and Muikkupuron mutka trail. Some of the campfire sites, rental huts and dry toilets have been designed to be fit for wheelchair users. Karhunkainalo Camping Ground, maintenance building and beach sauna have been built considering the accessibility factors. In the Hossa area there are decks, where you can fish or get into a boat without access issues. At the Hossa Visitor Centre there are two mobility scooters for rent and one loanable rollator / walker. The batteries of wheelchairs can be charged at the Hossa Visitor Center. You can find more information about the accessibility of Hossa here: Accessible Services in Hossa National Park.

Poika kalastaa Jalonuomaan kalastuslaiturilla, joka on osaa Patokosken reittiä.
Jalonuoma, kalastuslaituri

In the center of Suomussalmi by the Jalonuoma fishing pond there is an accessible Patokoski route and deck. In the Musical Forest you can explore the more curious local culture by wheelchair or with a pushchair. In the Silent People Niittykahvila Café you can walk without access issues inside, on the outdoor deck and to the end of the field to see the Silent People. 

More information about the accessible services can be acquired straight from the local companies.  

Accessible services


The Rinki ecopoints for recycling are located in: 

  • S-market Suomussalmi, Ämmänkatu 2 
  • K-Supermarket Suomussalmi, Risteentie 12
  • Suomussalmi Old Village Centre (Kirkonkylä), K-market Rahtimiehentie, Rahtimiehentie 1

The recycling points accept cardboard, metal, glass, plastic packaging, paper and textiles. There is no separate collection of biowaste, composting is recommended. More information:

Kierrä – Recycling information



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The Sustainable Travel Plan for Suomussalmi

The tourism of Suomussalmi is being developed to be more sustainable with the tourism operators in the area. The active approach of Suomussalmi in environmental issues has been displayed in for example the avoidance of clearcutting forests and being a pioneer in wind power parks. Suomussalmi has been a co-implementer in many projects, aiming to develop responsible and sustainable operations in the area, for example Kahina-project to develop carbon neutrality, Elinvoimaa matkailusta (eng. “Vitality from tourism”) -project, Gateway to the Land of National Parks-project and Sustainable Travel Arctic Lakeland Kainuu-project. The Sustainable Travel Plan for Suomussalmi was executed as a part of the Naturpolis lead project Matkailuyritykset kestävälle kehityspolulle (eng. “Tourism Companies to the sustainable development path”) -project.

Get to know the Sustainable Travel Plan for Suomussalmi (PDF).