
Massage Therapy Hierontapalvelu Hellite

A classic, mobilising massage from a massage therapist specialising in joint action.

You will be served by Heli Sirviö, a trained massage therapist with years of experience.

The calming treatment room is located in a beautiful lakeside setting five kilometres south of the city centre.

Classical massage combines mobilisation of the wrist and joints, heat therapy, MET technique and fascia treatment. Treatment of acute and prolonged pain and movement disorders, and purental muscle treatments. I also make home visits.
With us you can also pay with Smartum, ePass and Eazybreak massage benefits.
Hellitte also offers ergonomic Tempur cushions!

The price of the treatment starts at. 50 €/60 min. with heat treatment.

Contact details

Hierontapalvelu Hellite Leppärinteentie 7, 89600 Suomussalmi heli.sirvio@gmail.com +358 400 777 554