Ukrainian Memorial

This monument is situated at Haukila where a large number of Soviet soldiers was separated from other Soviet forces during the Winter War. Indeed this was the largest single body of Soviets to be isolated in this way. The head of the Ukrainian 44th Division was brought to a halt here around Christmas 1939. At the beginning of January the Finns attacked at Haukila and in the days up until 8th January succeeded in cutting off and destroying the Soviet forces almost to the last man.

The Ukrainian language text on the plaque of the monument states:
“In memory of the fallen from their grateful descendants and the authorities of the City of Novograd-Volynskiy in the Ukrainian province of Zytomir”

The monument was erected by Ukrainians on 13.3.1998.

The location of the memorial is available in the Kainuu outdoors map.
Street address: Kuhmontie 105, Suomussalmi

Reitin tiedot

Kuhmontie 105, 89800 Suomussalmi