
The Church of Suomussalmi

The church of Suomussalmi was consecrated in 1950. It was designed by architect J.E. Ermala. 2/3 of the construction costs of the church have been received as a grant from the Lutherans of America. The church has an altarpiece painted by artist Bruno Tuukkanen depicting the earthly life of Jesus and a stained glass window in the baptistery. The woodcarvings of the pulpit and the pedestal of the baptismal font, as well as the statue of the apostle in the main doorway, are the work of Finnish-born artist Jooseppi Manninen.

The organ has 24 stops and was manufactured by the Walker & Co organ factory in 1950. The two bells in the belfry are from the Kurkijoki church.

The church seats 650 people.

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Salmentie 1, 89800 Suomussalmi