Muistomerkin laatassa on teksti: “Tähän pysäyttivät Kainuun korpisoturit vihollisen etenemisen 6. joulukuuta 1939”.

Memorial of the Alassalmi Battles

Having attacked at Juntusranta Red Army forces quickly succeeded in reaching the Ensilä road fork on the Suomussalmi-Kuusamo road. A part of the invadingforces headed northwards towards Kuusamo while the remainder turned south towards Suomussalmi. At Alassalmi at a narrowing in the waterways of Lake Piispajärvi the Finns succeeded in repelling the progress of the aggressor during a battle which lasted 6th – 16th December 1939. Finnish forces included the 16th Special Battalion from Kuusamo and the 65th Infantry Regiment which arrived in the area around Christmas. This monument was designed by a veteran of the Suomussalmi campaigns, Toivo Rossi.

The inscription on the stone reads:
“Enemy progress northwards during the Winter War was halted at this spot”.

The monument was erected in 1981.


Reitin tiedot

Viitostie 801, 89760 Suomussalmi