Alhaalta päin kuvattuna fatbike-pyöräilijöitä järvenjäällä auringonpaisteessa.

Sentier d’hiver de Honkivaara

The Honkavaara Winter Tour (18 km), which is a multi-purpose route, partly follows the same route as the Old Bread Road and the Lounaja Winter Tour. Experience the trail’s pine forests, lake areas and various reindeer husbandry structures on fatbike, skis or snowshoes.

The trail is maintained from late December to late April, but by late spring the surface of the trail begins to soften. The best way to get around then is on skis or snowshoes. The trail is marked with signs and the recommended direction of travel is clockwise.

Reitin tiedot

Joukojärventie 14, 89220 Suomussalmi
Pituus18 km